Your Partner
in the World of Sport

Pragosport assists clients achieving both short and long term goals within the competitive sports world. Our expertise gained over many years can help decision makers both strategically and operationally.

Our services


Pragosport is a partner of numerous businesses from a variety of sectors in the managing, planning, and evaluating of sports related sponsorship projects.


Pragosport can assist sports organizations with planning
and organizing international
sports events including
production requirements.


Pragosport assists organizers securing commercial partners for both local and international sports and social
events / projects, providing full service for advertising partners from acquisition to delivering documentation reports and final evaluations.


Pragosport collaborates closely with clients in the preparation and planning of brand activations, particularly in connection with selected sports related projects and competitions


As a consequence of our many years of experience and very experienced staff we offer the knowledge and skills necessary for managing and maximizing complex projects
in the field of sports.


Pragosport assists organizers securing commercial partners for both local and international sports and social events / projects, providing full service for advertising partners from acquisition to delivering documentation reports and final evaluations.

Contact us


Pavel Landa

Na Ořechovce 579/6, 162 00 Praha 6
Company ID: 186 28 010
Phone: +420 233 109 711
Pragosport, a.s., a company incorporated on May 31, 1991 under Reg. No. B 755 in the Commercial Register maintained by the Prague Municipal Court.